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K&N 63-1567 Performance Intake Kit 2011 Jeep Compass Install

Posted: Sun Apr 19, 2015 3:18 pm
by southhawkct
Disclaimer! Warning this is to be used as a guide and I will not be held responsible if anything goes wrong or you break anything. DO THIS AT YOUR OWN RISK!

Well i had the opportunity to install this intake on the compass. Let me first say that when i had my 2008 compass, i did a similar kit from K&N. So i figured this should be easier the second time around ...right ...... WRONG.:laugh: took 4.5 hours!!!!@#@@!# :mad: Also i did this to improve fuel economy. I was able to achieve 2 MPGs with my 08 compass when i did this. Anyways, its done, here are some photos.

1. Here's the stock intake (it had a K&N filter replacement filter).

2. Here's the stock intake box removed. It wasn't too bad. The only issue was with the stock intake tube. The directions from K&N didn't mention there was a cable attached to it with a plastic clip. I almost broke the wire.

3. Here's the stock intake tube (left) and the K&N (right) next to each other.

4. Here's the first part of the K&N Air box installed.

5. Final product. 2 things went wrong here. The nuts K&N provided for the PCM didnt match the bolts :thumbdown:. I tripled checked that too. Secondly, the top plate of the new air box, the screw holes didnt match to the lower part.... i had to DRILL them to match them up. But at least its done.

UPDATE: Low end power definitely increased. When starting from a stop, I can actually spin the tires a little bit now (without shutting off 4x4, EPS etc etc). Gear shifting is smoother. An unexpected bonus is my RPMs are slightly lower on the highway! Winter is pretty much starting over here, and i had upper 20F mornings + mid 40F on the drive home. I was able to get an average of 25 MPGs (compared to the 26-27MPGs i would get during summer temps). THE BAD: It's LOUD! you can kind of hear it at 2k RPMs but at 3k its REALLY LOUD! I think its funny, but if you want a quiet car, this mod is not for you.